1. A railway system consists of three essential elements. The first is the infrastructure with the track work, the signaling equipment, the stations and on electrified lines the catenary or third system with power supply. Second, there is the rolling stock with cars and locomotives.
2. For operational purposes track are divided into main track and sidings. Main tracks are all tracks, which can be used for regular train movements.
3. A turnout is an assembly of rails, movable points and a frog. The points may be operated manually or by a point machine.
4. Movements on a turnout where the points face approaching traffic are called “facing point movements” where the frog faces approaching traffic are called “trailing point movements”.
5. The limit of occupation of the converging tracks is called “the fouling point limit”. Many railways mark this limit with a trackside fouling point indicator.
6. Derails are trackside devices which are used to protect train movements against unattended movement of vehicles on converging tracks. An unsafe movement is derailed before it could join the protected route.
7. A Junction is an arrangement of tracks and turnouts in which a line is joined by another one.
8. Yards are arrangements of sidings used for making up trains, storing cars and trains and similar purposes.
9. A typical passenger terminal consists of a group of platform tracks and some yard facilities for storing passenger cars. In large terminals there are also often service facilities for the rolling stock.
10. Like points, derails can be hand or power operated. On most railways, derails must not be installed in main tracks.
1. Fixed signals indicate if a movement may enter the section of track behind the signal. On railways where train movements are strongly separated from shunting movements, there are also different kinds of signals for these kinds of movements.
2. A signal is usually mounted on a high signal post directly beside the track it governs. If there is not sufficient space between parallel tracks to place signal posts between them, the signal heads may also be mounted on signal cantilevers or signal bridges.
3. Concerning the control principle, signals may be divided three classes: controlled signals, automatic signals and Semi-automatic signals.
4. In a territory with a fixed block system, main tracks are divided in block sections for the purpose of safe train separation. A train must generally not enter a block section until it has been cleared by the train ahead.
5. An interlocking is an arrangement of points and signals interconnected in a way that each movement follows the other in a proper and safe sequence.
6. Signaled routes for trains on main tracks are usually interlocked. The signals which govern train movements through an interlocking are called interlocking signals. An interlocking signal can also be a block signal.
7. The trackage within interlocking limits is also called an “interlocking plant”. At each track which leads into interlocking limits is placed a signal that may authorize train movements.
8. Home signals which are not used for regular train movements are often dwarf signals.
9. The track sections between signals inside the station limits are not referred to as block sections. In a track layout that is controlled by more than one signal box, each signal box has its own station limits.
10. The signals which govern train movements to leave the home signal limits to the open lines are called exit signals. Interlocking signals inside of home signal limits which are neither home nor exit signals are called intermediate interlocking signals.