
Unit 03 固定闭塞运行

1. Today, signal operations with a fixed block system is the most common form of operation. Signaling with lineside signals is still typical. But there is also an increasing use of cab signal system, especially on high speed lines where lineside signals cannot be watched safely.

2. A fixed block system is a block system using fixed block sections which are protected by signals (lineside or cab signals).

3. On railways where block overlaps are not required, the control length of a signal equals the block section.

4. The main purpose of the overlap is to provide additional safety in case the driver fails to brake before a stop signal. A signal may not be cleared until the full control length is clear.

5. The headway is the time interval between two following trains. The minimum headway on a line with a fixed block system depends on the so called “blocking time”.

6. Drawing the blocking times of all block sections a train passes into a time over distance diagram it leads to the so called “blocking time stairway. The blocking time stairway represents perfectly the operational use of a line by a train.

7. The blocking times directly establishes the signal headway as the minimum time interval between two following trains in each block section.

8. In this case the blocking time stairways of two following trains touch each other without any tolerance in at least one block section (the “critical block section”).

9. On lines where all trains run with quite the same speed, the critical block sections are usually the block sections in which the blocking time included the dwell time of stops.

10. On a moving block line, the length of the block sections is reduced to zero. That means the running time between the block signals will be eliminated.

Unit 04 人工闭塞

1. In a manual block system the clearance of block sections has to be checked by local operators by watching the rear end train markers. The block signals are operated manually. The block information is transmitted by means of telecommunications, in its most simple form by telephone.

2. After the train has cleared a block section and is protected by a stop signal, a clearance message is being sent to the block section in rear. On double track lines where a current of traffic is in effect, offering and accepting of trains are only required for movements against the current of traffic.

3. Instead of telephone messages, some railways use special block instruments to indicate the state of the line by lamps or movable signs. It helps to reduce the probability of human errors in comparison to telephone communication.

4. In controlled manual block system the signals are still operated manually but are controlled by continuous track circuits, requiring cooperation between the operators of adjacent block stations.

5. After a signal has been reset to stop position it is immediately automatically locked by a rotation locking device. This device prevents clearing the signal again if the electric block instrument fails.

6. Thus, a signal cannot be unlocked before the train has passed the next block station, but the train integrity has still to be checked by watching the rear end marker.

7. The principle of an interlocked block system cannot be used on track sections inside of home signal or yard limits where trains may terminate or change their direction.

8. Train separation in such sections can only be ensured by line clear detection. That is the technical reason why on railways where a block system always means an interlocked block system.

9. With little modification on the different railways, this kind of a telephone block system is typical for European operating procedures, where train movements are authorized by local operators.

10. All train movements and train messages are recorded by the station operators in a hand written train record.

Unit 05 自动闭塞

1. Working in an automatic block territory the occupation and clearance of block sections and overlaps are detected by a track clear detection device to enable the signaling system to work automatically.

2. On single track lines and on double track lines with two ways working, the automatic block system also provides protection against opposing movements. This can be effected by opposite locking similar to the principles of interlocked or controlled manual block systems.

3. In many automatic block systems, the normal indication of an automatic block signal is “clear”. It is only set to stop position when the section is occupied by a train.

4. A track circuit is an electrical circuit of which the rails of a section form a part. It usually has a source of current at one end and a detection device at the other. Sections are divided by insulated rail joints.

5. If the section is occupied by a vehicle, the axles produce a short circuit between the two rails. As a result, the detection device does not receive any current and therefore it detects the section as occupied. The detection device is often implemented by a track relay.

6. There are DC and AC track circuits. The track relay of an AC track circuits is a polyphase relay that works by the same principle as a polyphase motor.

7. Some railways use jointless track circuit. These are special center-fed track circuits which work with an audio frequency AC track current.

8. An axle counter is a system consisting of counting points at both ends of a section and a counter connected to the counting points.

9. The occupancy of a section is detected by comparing the number of axles which enter the section with the number of axles which leave the section. To give a clear indication, the parity of number is necessary.

10. Counting points are usually made up of double contacts to detect the direction of movement.

Unit 06 列车自动防护(ATP)

1. In a full, fixed block ATP system, there will be two red signals and an unoccupied or overlap block between train to provide the full safe braking distance.

2. On a line equipped with ATP as shown above, each block carries an electronic speed code on top of its track circuit. If the train tries to enter a zero speed block or an occupied block, or if it enters a section at a speed higher than that authorized by the code, the on-board electronics will cause an emergency brake application.

3. A train on a line with a modern version of ATP needs two pieces of information about the state of the line ahead what speed can it do in this block and what speed must it be doing by the time it enters the next block.

4. When the train enters block A3, the code change again to 25/0 because the next block A2 is the overlap block and is forbidden territory, so the speed must be zero by the time train reaches the end of block A3.

5. Train operating over a line equipment with ATP can be manually or automatically driven. To allow manual driving, the ATP codes are displayed to the driver on a panel in his cab.

6. The next stage of ATP development was an attempt to eliminate the space lost by the empty overlap block behind each train. If this could be eliminated, line capacity could be increased by up to 20%, depending on block lengths and line speed.

7. A safety margin of 25 meters or so is allowed for error so that the train will always stop before it reaches the critical boundary between A2 and A1.

8. Both the older speed step method of electronic ATP and “distance-to-go” require the train speed to be monitored.

9. For the distance-to-go system, the development of modern electronics has allowed the brake curve to be monitored continuously so that the speed steps become unnecessary.

10. Distance-to-go ATP has a number of advantages over the speed step system. It can not only increase line capacity but also reduce the number of track circuit required, since you don’t need frequent changes of steps to keep adjusting the braking distance.

Unit 07 列车自动运行(ATO)

1. The basic requirement of ATO is to tell the train approaching a station where to stop so that the complete train is in the platform. This is assuming that the ATP has confirmed that the line is clear.

2. The train approaches the station under clear signals so it can do a normal run in. When it reaches the first beacon, a station brake command is received by the train.

3. ATO works well when the line is clear and station run-ins and run-outs are unimpeded by the train ahead. However, ATO has to be capable of adapting to congested conditions, so it has to be combined with ATP at stations when trains are closely following each other.

4. To provide a frequent train service on a metro, dwell times at stations must be kept to a minimum.

5. Where multi-home signaling is installed at a station, it involves the provision of more but shorter blocks, each with its own signal.

6. A series of sub-blocks are provided in the platform area. These impose reduced speed braking curves on the incoming train and allow it to run towards the platform as the preceding train departs, whilst keeping a safe braking distance between them.

7. The station stop beacons still give the train the data for the braking curve for the station stop, but the train will recalculate the curve to compensate for the lower speed imposed by the ATP system.

8. In addition to providing an automatic station stop, ATO will allow “docking” for door operation and restarting from a station.

9. After a set time, the ATO will close the doors and automatically restart the train if the door closed proving circuit is complete. Some systems have platform screen doors as well. ATO will also provide a signal for these to open once it has completed the on-board checking procedure.

10. Once door operation is completed, ATO will then accelerate the train to its cruising speed, allow it to coast to the next station brake command beacon and then brake into the next station.

Unit 08 列车自动监督(ATS)

1. The Automatic Train Supervision (ATS) system is commonly integrated within most of the CBTC solutions. Its main task is to act as the interface between the operator and the system, managing the traffic according to the specific regulation criteria.
列车自动监控(ATS)系统通常集成在大部分 CBTC 的解决方案中。其主要任务是充当行车调度员和系统之间的接口,根据具体的监管控制标准来管理交通。

2. The characteristics of a CBTC system include: availability of train location information to a high precision, independent of track and circuits, availability of continuous wayside-to-train and train-to-wayside data communications link, availability of trainborne and wayside data processing capabilities.
CBTC 系统的特征包括:可获得高精度的列车位置信息,且不受轨道和电路的影响;可获得连续的“地-车”和“车-地”数据通信链路;可获得车载和轨旁数据的处理能力。

3. Each CBTC-equipped train operating within CBTC territory shall be assigned a train identification. This train identification shall indicate the type of train and other pertinent information about the train.
每列在 CBTC 区段内运行的 CBTC 列车都应指定列车身份。该列车身份应指明列车类型和列车的其他相关信息。‎

4. An ATS system shall have the capability to automatically track, maintain records of, and display on the ATS user interface the locations, identities, train schedule, and other pertinent data for all CBTC-equipped trains.
ATS 系统应具备的能力包括自动追踪、维护记录并在 ATS 用户界面上显示所有 CBTC 列车的位置、身份、列车时刻表和其他相关数据。

5. Automatic routing shall facilitate the proper merging and diverging of trains at junctions, turnback of trains, the put-in and lay-up of trains from/to storage areas and, where applicable, the rerouting of trains in response to service disruptions and/or planned outages.

6. An ATS system shall include an automatic dispatching function (based on train identities, CBTC train location reports, scheduled and actual headways between trains, and service strategies implemented by authorized ATS users).
ATS 系统应包括自动调度功能(基于列车身份、CBTC 列车位置报告、列车之间的预定和实际时距以及授权 ATS 用户实施的服务策略)。

7. Schedule and headway regulation for CBTC-equipped trains shall be by means of dwell time variance (including train holds), and control of run-times between stations (e.g. through adjustments to train acceleration and service brake rates, and cruise speeds).
CBTC 列车的时刻表和车间时距的调整应通过停留时间偏差(包括列车扣车)和车站之间运行时间的控制(例如,通过调整列车加速度和行车制动速率以及巡航速度)。

8. An ATS system may have the capability to implement energy optimization algorithms for CBTC equipped trains through the real-time control and coordination of train acceleration, train coasting, and train braking.
ATS 系统可以通过对列车加速、列车滑行和列车制动的实时控制和协调,为 CBTC 列车实施能量优化算法。

9. An ATS system may include facilities to hold (and subsequently release) a CBTC equipped train at a station, and to inhibit automatic train door opening.
ATS系统可能包括特定装置在车站对 CBTC 列车进行扣车(并随后释放),以阻止列车车门自动打开。

10. An ATS system may include facilities to direct a CBTC-equipped train or group of CBTC-equipped trains to pass through a station or group of stations without stopping.
ATS 系统可能包括一些装置来引导单列 CBTC 列车或一组 CBTC 列车,在不靠站停车的情况下通过一个或一组车站。

Unit 09 基于通信的列车控制

1. Communications Based Train Control (CBTC) is a railway signaling system that makes use of the telecommunications between the train and track equipment for the traffic management and infrastructure control.

2. By means of the CBTC systems, the exact position of a train is known more accurately than with the traditional signaling systems. This results in a more efficient and safe way to manage the railway traffic. Metros (and other railway systems) are able to improve headways while maintaining or even improving safety.
与传统的信号系统相比,通过 CBTC 系统可以更准确地知道列车的确切位置。这样可以更高效、更安全地管理铁路交通。地铁(和其他铁路系统)能够在保持甚至提高安全性的同时改善车间时距。‎

3. A CBTC system is a “continuous, automatic train control system” utilizing high-resolution train location determination; continuous, high-capacity, bidirectional train-to-wayside data communications; and train borne and wayside processors capable of implementing ATP functions, as well as optional ATO and ATS functions.
CBTC 系统是一种“连续数据传输的自动列车控制系统”,使用高精度列车定位,使用连续、大容量、车地双向数据通信,使用能够执行 ATP 功能以及可选的 ATO 与 ATS 功能的车载和轨旁设备。

4. Unlike the traditional fixed block systems, in the modern moving block CBTC systems the protected section for each train is not statically defined by the infrastructure.
与传统的固定闭塞系统不同,在现代移动闭塞 CBTC 系统中,每列列车的防护区间不是由基础设施静态定义的。

5. The advent of digital radio communication technology during the early 90s, encouraged the signaling industry on both sides of the Atlantic to explore using radio communication as a viable means of track to train communication, mainly due to its increased capacity and reduced costs.

6. In the modern CBTC systems the trains continuously calculate and communicate their status via radio to the wayside equipment distributed along the line. This status includes among other parameters, the exact position, speed, travel direction and braking distance.
在现代 CBTC 系统中,列车不断计算并通过无线电将其状态传达给沿线分布的轨旁设备。该状态包含在其他参数中,如列车的确切位置、运行速度、行驶方向和制动距离。

7. CBTC systems based on moving block allow the reduction of the safety distance between two consecutive trains. This distance is varying according to the continuous updates of the train location and speed, maintaining the safety requirements.
基于移动闭塞的 CBTC 系统可以减少两列连续列车之间的安全距离。该距离根据列车位置和速度的不断更新而变化,以持续满足安全要求。

8. CBTC systems normally have less wayside equipment and their diagnostic and monitoring tools have been improved, which makes them easier to implement and easier to maintain.
CBTC 系统通常具有较少的轨旁设备,并且改进了故障诊断和监控工具,这使得 CBTC 系统更易于实施和维护。

9. In fact, automatic operation systems have the potential to significantly reduce the headway and improve the capacity compared to manual driving systems.

10. CBTC technology is evolving, making use of the latest techniques and components to more compact systems and simpler architectures.
CBTC 技术正在不断发展,利用最新的技术和元件来实现更紧凑的系统和更简单的架构。

Unit 10 计轴器

1. An axle counter is a device on a railway that detects the passing of a train in lieu of the more common track circuit.

2. A detection point comprises two independent sensors, therefore the device can detect the direction of a train by the order in which the sensors are passed.

3. Unlike track circuits, axle counters do not require insulated rail joints to be installed. This avoids breaking the continuity of long welded rails for insulated joints to be inserted.

4. Axle counters do not suffer problems with railhead contamination, e.g. due to rust or compacted leaf residue, that can affect the correct operation of track circuits.

5. ‎Axle counters may “forget” how many axles are in a section for various reasons such as a power failure. A manual override is therefore necessary to reset the system. An accident occurred in the Severn Tunnel and is thought to be due to improper restoration of an axle counter. This, however, was not proven during the subsequent inquiry.

6. Where there are interlocked turnouts, an axle counter unit needs to be provided for each leg of that turnout.

7. Track circuits also allow for the use of clips that instantly shunt the circuit and mark the track as occupied. These can be used by crews or maintenance personnel to quickly report an unsafe condition or mark a section of track out of service.

8. New technology allows for occupancy detection if the axle counter detaches or becomes loose from the rail.